Our building is fully ADA compliant, and includes accessible entrances, automatic doors, and an elevator.
Large Type and Audio Books
Thanks to support from the Washington County Home for Aged Women, Penguin Random House, the American Library Association, and the Greenwich Lions Club, we have been able to keep updating and improving these popular collections and to expand our juvenile collections in these formats.
Libraries Transforming Communities
In 2024, we received a generous grant from the American Library Association and the Association of Rural & Small Libraries to enhance our resources and materials that support people with disabilities. We are working with Battenkill Community Services to develop programming, increase our accessible collections, and install sensory-friendly furniture and accessories throughout the library.
Desktop Video Magnifier
For patrons in need of large print. The machine makes anything in our collection large type. Come and enjoy any book, magazine or newspaper article in our collection or bring your own. You can also do your crossword puzzles, write your bills, do your knitting, etc. The machines projects graphics or text in black on white, white on black, or color. It is super easy to use.
The desktop video magnifier is made possible by the generous support of the Washington County Home for Aged Women.
Accessible eBooks
If you have a print disability and need accessible ebooks, you may qualify for a membership to Bookshare® for access to the world’s largest collection of accessible titles. If you are a qualifying US student, you are entitled to access the Bookshare catalog for free through the support of the U.S. Department of Education and OSEP.
Visit www.bookshare.org to learn more and apply for a membership.