Read & Listen

Read ebooks and listen to audiobooks instantly from our library.
Download the free Libby app on your phone or tablet!

Stream thousands of films for free with your library card. Kanopy is a video-streaming platform dedicated to thoughtful and thought-provoking films.
Gale has databases

Heritage Quest
Patrons of the Greenwich Free Library have access to Heritage Quest for FREE online. Heritage Quest is a comprehensive treasury of American genealogical sources—rich in unique primary sources, local and family histories, convenient research guides, interactive census maps, and more.
Full access to is available on the public computers in the library.
Computer Access
The library presently has 8 public access computers with high speed internet access. Three game computers without internet access are available in the Children’s Room.
To use the public computers, patrons under 18 must have a form on file signed by a parent or legal guardian.
WiFi is available inside and outside the building for those bringing in their laptops or other WiFi-enabled devices. There is no password necessary but you will need to read and acknowledge a use statement.
Community WiFi is also available at the Cossayuna Fire Department at 21 Bunker Hill Rd, Cossayuna, NY 12834.