
Greenwich Free Library is powered by patrons! Public funding covers about half of our operating budget, and the rest of our income is made through grants, fundraising, investments, and donations from people like you.

Your support goes directly towards materials and programs that enrich our community. $20 covers the cost, cataloging, and processing of a typical hardcover book or a single DVD. $60 could help us provide a yoga class for 2-5 year-olds or a writing workshop for adults. $100 could buy a new button machine for our teen space. Donations of any size are welcome, needed, and celebrated.

Greenwich Free Library is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit Association Library, and contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. 


If you would like to donate using cash or check, please mail or deliver your contribution to:

Greenwich Free Library
148 Main Street
Greenwich, NY  12834

If you would like to donate items or make an in-kind donation, please fill out this form.