The Gill Room welcomes donations that are consistent with its collection goals and serve to illustrate the history of Greenwich and surrounding communities. Please note the policies below.
Please print and fill out the Deed of Gift form to submit with your donation.
- Objects may be added to the collection by means of gifts, bequests, purchases, exchanges, or any other transactions by which titles to the objects shall pass to the Gill Room and the Greenwich Free Library provided there is no evidence of the object having been illegally acquired by the donor.
- The Gill Room cannot accept materials encumbered with conditions imposed by the donor. This includes, but is not limited to, guaranteeing that an acquisition will not be disposed of, that it will be either restored or maintained to donor satisfaction, or that it will be permanently displayed. Loans will not be accepted.
- The Gill Room reserves the right not to accept an offer if the materials are duplicate, not relevant, not of sufficient importance, or are of a size and condition that would impose an undue storage or conservation burden on the Gill Room.
- Once an item is donated to the Gill Room and is cataloged as part of the historical collection, the Library is the sole owner of that item. All items presently in the collection at the time of the writing of this policy are considered a part of the permanent collection of the Library.
- A Deed of Gift form must accompany all donations, including those that are left at the circulation desk. The donor is responsible for any appraisals for tax purposes. If a gift is deemed not appropriate for the collection, the donor may be referred to other organizations, which may have an interest or need for the item.
- The materials will be assigned an accession number based on the current year and the number of collections that have been donated during that year. This will be documented both in a physical record book and a digital spreadsheet or database. This documentation procedure may be amended from time to time.